my greatest worry in a sentence

For the students in France: would you say or generalize that the French people have many worries or worry often? That could be worrying. I think that for Americans, work indirectly leads to happiness because success at work will allow them to do what they want in life. Many of the sentences have audio, too. BLOG. I do think it's interesting that the French seem more concerned with their loved ones than we do (based solely on our responses). la restriction des liberts individuelles, la pollution de notre plante, mon avenir, les autres, The reasons why this would be my biggest fear is as follows. Beauty is the greatest seducer of man. that I won't be able to find a job after graduation. I don't want to waste all of the opportunities I have been given. From the Hansard archive 6. ( 2017) We're aiming to keep him worried. The Guardian - Film. Ma rponse la question 2 claircit un peu cela. I got a feeling that my greatest worry and ce qui me proccupe le plus don't have the same meaning in two languages. Cambridge University Press), Conflicting, positive or strongly held? I feel like the French tended to be the latter of the two while the Americans were the ones who interpretted the question as to what was their greatest fear. thing that comes into your head. In the United States, my impression of most Americans is that most people seem to constantly be worried about the state of things right now, particularly with the recent recession. It did seem that more of the French worried about things that related to other people/ the world than the Americans though. This is my impression from reading the news and seeing media online and on tv. Nous, franais, mme si beaucoup on des inquitudes similaires, certains semblent plus inquits par le prsent Quand a la personne inquite pour la fin du monde en 2012, je me suis approfondie sur le sujet! Although ironically, Americans are stereotypically lazy (i.e. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Surveys show that ______ is a common experience for close to half of all children in the United States. (1821) don't worry about it; you're gonna be nickel. Je vois qu'une grande majorit y compris du cot amricain, ont peur de dcevoir leur proche, de ne pas russir dans leurs tudes ou de ne pas accomplir se qu'ils dsirent le plus et chouer.. On peut peut tre considrer sa comme universel? Or. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">. ", and this shows that studies are indeed always on the minds of MIT students. The Guardian. Mais sans travail, pas d'argent, pas de foyer, aucune satisfaction personnelle, aucune interaction avec la socit (hors amis/famille). Two people really have to care about a marriage for it to last. It seems to me like the MIT students have a greater sense of the limitedness of time, which for ambitious people seems to present a formidible obstacle to satisfying all of one's aspirations before death. So the big dreams thing is really important here because we I've in the land of opportunities where it is possible for big dreams to come true. It doesn't seem to appear that often in the Americans' answers compared to the French ones. Personally when I think of the word "worry", I think of a smaller personal concern rather than a more general concern. In the end, I think most people are worried about their happieness and what will happen to them/their loved ones in the furture. I think that both sides are worried about short-term, but we mit kids are simply less inclined to admit it. I mean there are French answers that sound like "my future", "my family" or "my education". vara orolig {vb} more_vert. I find many of the answers above very interesting. Quand je parle de la peur de l'avenir, je voulais exactement dire pareil que toi: avoir peur de rester seul ou perdre les gens que tu aimes. However I was wondering if this was due to the wording of the phrases. Here (especially at MIT, but also in big cities/larger towns), everyone is always in a go-go-go mindset with so many worries, but also with no breaks! . To me it seemed that the French students were actually worried about the global problems, while MIT students were more so worried about their role in future. To me it seemed like the French responses were short, general phrases (my future, my professional success, politics, my job/school, etc. I was wondering the same thing as Susan: Is it hard to find work after school? Je confirme aussi qu' la sortie de l'Enseirb, tout le monde un minimum srieux est quasiment assur d'avoir un travail. Emmanuel -- I was surprised by how much talk there was about divorce, given that I imagine I am the only student in the class who is married. We just sounded a bit more dramatic/worried about our worries. Use what you have learned so far to bring variety in your writing. Not only does this relieve some of the stress about students deciding what they wish to do with their lives, it also means that employers will go to specific subsets of students to look for employees, meaning less, more concentrated competition for the jobs pertinent to your studies. Is success in work something very important to determine one's success in life in France? Mais peut tre que l'on a l'impression que les Franais accordenr plus d'importance leur avenir. 173 104 Advertisement c'est les changements venir ds au ptrole. This makes sense as we are all in university, which is a transition period for many. to end up homeless or not being able to support myself, being alone and not enjoying what I do with my life. (1819) don't worry your pretty little head about it. 4 Huffington Post failure, losing a close friend/family, and my future. I was much worried about the examination this time. I will be a bad mother when I have children. My greatest worry is the responsibility. Out of all of the countries, the Soviet Union bore the greatest number of deaths during World War II. being able to determine what I really want to do in life and having the resources to do it. est de russir mes tudes et, plus long terme, ma vie. finding interesting work that isn't all-consuming. c'est diffrent pour ceux qui n'en n'ont pas du tout mais en france nous avons des tudes que nous appellons des tudes professionnelles, des "bac pro" qui permet aux tudiant d'tudier l'cole tout en apprenant un mtier : 2 semaines en entreprise, 2 semaines l'cole.. etc. What annoys me is the fact I mentioned it to people this week. I thought it was interesting that the French thought more about worries that had to do with the future with education and finding a job, whereas with the Americans, the worries were more personal, for example being happy and healthy. To French students, why in particular are you worried about "mes etudes"? Some of the French students are afraid for the future in particular for the period after they graduate from the university. . Back in my day, we didn't worry about self-esteem or agonize over feelings. And what motivates us to wake up every morning and live our lives the way we do? As French students, many of you seem to have similar concerns as MIT students about finding jobs, but many of you also have larger worries. These words are often used together. My greatest strengths are writing, project management, quantitative research, event planning, budget development, and social media. Only on the american side we can see things like "not realizing my full potential, not accomplishing everything, not saving the world," which I thing stems from the high expectation of MIT students. ma famille, ma soutenance de thse, mon futur proche, mes frres et soeurs. 2522619 You annoy me . Is that not as relative in France because the French culture is already more balanced than the American culture so they are less worried about finding a job? The greatest worry of my constituents in the present situation is whether the priorities between different forms of transport are right. B) believe the greatest worry . Do you think that the values that the Americans appreciate the most in life are different than the values the French appreciate the most? Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the, Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. 295 110 Worry had prevented her from eating earlier. Sometimes they attend the same college, major in the same thing, or follow a similar career path. Ermellina said they need not worry, that she would not open to any one. is that I won't be able to live the way I imagine, as it is easy to think of something, but harder to execute the action. l'augmentation de l'intolrance. I will marry someone who I'm not in love with, As far as the diploma, an MIT degree gives a lot of students an advantage over other applicants simply because MIT is known as one of the top schools in the country. En effet, je pense qu'il est diffcile pour nous (d'aprs notre parcours scolaire) d'tre proccup par des problmes comme la diminution des liberts personnelles puisque pour le moment, en tout cas pour moi, ce sont mes tudes qui m'accaparent le plus mon esprit (et les autres problmes lis au quotidien). I think it is a tough topic to discuss and identify, because it is just the surface of a much deeper question, what is the meaning of life? My greatest worry is can I give my baby a decent life. It's hard to find a way of comparing, but just based on your own opinions, do you think that French people worry less than most people or about the same? Pay attention to the words, grammar and sentence structure in your answers.1. He will consider it the greatest honour. "I'm sending my love to you and your family." When you send a condolence card to someone, remember they aren't the only one in mourning. 1 The Guardian When I heard that I had passed my examination and I am allowed to get into this school my heart was full of excitement (Joan). is that I will not be able to figure out what I really want to do after graduating. mon avenir professionnel et plus largement, l'injustice du monde dans lequel nous vivons. The Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank (Rotter Rafferty, 1950) is the most well known of the interpretive systems for the sentence completion, with forms for high school, college, and adult populations. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. I am curious to know what the Americans mean by "failure" - what criteria is being used to define success and failure because that can vary greatly from person to person. French Dutch Croatian Italian Swedish German Czech Spanish Danish Latin Finnish Norwegian Russian Indonesian 1. I think that some of the differences between our responses and those of the French students has to do with a difference in meaning: "ce qui me preoccupe le plus est" can mean "what concerns me most", which is quite different from "my greatest worry is" If we were asked to complete the former sentence, I think we would have seen a lot more common answers. more_vert. Is that we'll start losing our humanity to the likes of "social" media. Il est vrai que j'aimerais bien savoir partir de quel degr de relations nous commenons nous proccuper de ceux qui nous entourent ? Ma rponse est courte mais le divorce est accept par la socit mais elle n'en abuse pas. I, too, noticed that the French seemed to list more words that dealt with others around them while the Americans were more worried about their immediate future, for example. @Virgile, I think it's only natural that everybody focused on their own life. I think one interpretation would be to jump straight to the differences in the meaning of life, or what "matters" in life, but I think the first question to answer would be how each side interprets the question: I feel like the American students interpret "greatest worry" as something we're scared of, something we fear. THE MOST out of everything you are uncertain about (other potential uncertainties being like: grades, jobs, completing obligations, personal success)?? As for the French responses, I do not know how different they might be. "Yeah, that's not my greatest concern but Biology Base feels a bit cramped ?" 21. . As a result, a lot of Americans worry greatly about their futures, their careers, etc, rather than respond to such a question with, "I worry about someone else.". (Definition of great and worry Vous semblez lgrement plus anxieux sur la recherche d'une travail la sortie de l'cole que nous. A few trends that I noticed: -- All of the American responses dealt more with the future/long-term concerns, whereas the French responses, although the word "future" came up a lot, dealt more with present/short-term concerns. I agree with Sasha that it is unexpected that MIT students are less concerned with "ses tudes" than their French counterparts. pour l'instant est ma russite professionelle. Do the French students worry abou these issues because they are more interested in or involved with politics than the Americans, or do they worry about them because of the effects that, for example, the economic crisis will have on them personally? Is success a direct link to happiness for the French? Margaret posed a very interesting question to which I'd also like to know the answer. I agree with Meghan, the United States has always been a land of dreams, where anyone can be successful if they just put their minds to it. Examples of Greatest in a sentence. patient's completions provide a picture of a strong. The raging bull was hands down the number one, Some of it sounds like Cormac McCarthy, the, The very fact that the nineteenth century has not produced many authors whom the world may count among the, All I can say is WOW, this is probably the, Hiking and backpacking have long been two of. I am curious if worrying is an American past time or a part of human nature. Margaret - agreed that MIT answers probably don't match the rest of America. is making sure that I can achieve my goal of positively impacting the world. c'est de trouver un stage et un sujet de mmoire. As you said Meera, most of the American responses were mainly concerned with themselves, while many of the French responses concerned family, friends, and others. The greatest power is often simple patience. I find the comment about Americans being less "altruistic" based on their fears very interesting. being far away from my family and friends. not succeeding and becoming an ordinary person in the crowd. 241+50 sentence examples: 1. Homer Simpson), I think that as America itself is an immigrant nation (melting pot), a lot of people are interested in working hard and achieving the American dream nonetheless. Sentences with Greatest, Greatest in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Greatest 1. Both sides discuss relatively "selfish" things, but the nature of these things are different: as Danielle and Sasha have said, the Americans mention failure and happiness a lot, while the French mention studies and the future. Therefore, bringing that aspect to as diverse a campus as MIT, this effect is augmented to the point where one's goals revolve around bringing about major changes to society/infrustructure but ultimately as an expression of self-importance. Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources. la libert d'autrui dans le monde. Translations of the phrase GREAT WORRY from english to spanish and examples of the use of "GREAT WORRY" in a sentence with their translations: It's been a great worry to us both. Don't worry they could have just forgotten to phone. As you observed, on the French side, there are far more people who expressed concern about this than on the American side. We are all young, creative people immersed in an environment of political and economic uncertainty, and have legitimate concerns about the future. Many people at MIT seem to think that it is their personal responsability to enhance the world in some way (possibly a sign of individualism). is that I won't get a job, I will fail a class, or that something bad to happen to one of my family or friends. ma famille. Grace a on apprend un mtier et on travaille plus rapidement. Analysis Familial Attitudes. Exercise 3. 145 His greatest fear is of being burnt alive. What if I do end up living the life that I dreamed of, but realize part way through that it's not exactly what I thought? being poor. Sur le fait que les Franais mettent leurs familles, amis, ou autres prcoccupations en avant, je pense ( voir ce que les autres Franais vont rpondre) que c'est tout simplement une coincidence en faveur des Franais mais je ne pense pas que les Amricains soient plus goistes parce qu'ils ont rpondu plus gocentriquement! It would be interesting to ask middle-aged adults what their greatest worries are. ma copine. Mme si c'est triste dire 1/ Je ne pense pas. ( 2016) If you are worried about intense feelings that overwhelm you all the time, then talk to your GP. to lose my freedom and live in a world where hatred and lack or rationality are predominant over acceptance and logic. I think that a lot of the differences in the two sets of responses can actually be attributed to the construction of the prompt. 76 32 He held the ruler of the greatest kingdom at his mercy! the answers do not have to be true. Most women were silent. I think also that fear and worrying aresynonymous. to die without fulfilling my dreams, never to be happy, to not have a family, tre pris pour aller Chicago There is no real reason to worry. It was really interesting to see the cultural differences in the responses to this question! @Anahid : Je ne pense pas que cela vienne de la crise conomique. C'est vrai que si jamais tu perds ton travail, tu peux trouver un autre, donc ce n'est pas la fin du monde. I don't think that your answers (the French) are way less general than ours. Sentences Don't worry; everything will work out fine. I would love to know what the French students think about this comment: "my greatest worry is that we'll start losing our humanity to the likes of social media". It seems that American students expect to succeed and thus worry about the possibility of failure. Some of these are: population growth; possible scarcity of commodities, the food and energy situation . Consequently, we worry that our current experience will not allow us to fulfill those ambitions :). Vous posez un peu tous la mme question alors je vais faire une rponse groupe : En France, la sortie d'une cole d'ingnieur on trouve assez vite un travail (certains ont mme des offres avant d'obtenir le diplme !) The worst part is that I am not sure there even exists a solution to it. ship to the. It also seemed like the Americans came up with much more specific worries (being a bad mother, next big step in life) whereas the French gave lots of general answers (l'avenir, etc.). From the Hansard archive is that I will not live up to my potential. living away from my parents and not being able to take care of them. We hate the fact that people in US think that MIT is a 'nerdy' place with too much work and very little play, so we subconsciously try to avoid agreeing with attitude. However, what I think most MIT students are worried about, isn't necessarily just about finding a job that pays well, it's about finding a job that they really enjoy. Looking at the French responses closely, I do agree with Mariya that some French students may have interpreted the sentence differently. Aquarium plants and fish I don't have to worry about. est ma capacit prouver mes comptences pour trouver de bons stages et ensuite un bon emploi. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. On the other hand, Americans, who emphasize individualism more, maybe think more about individual challenges? 4 After twenty minutes I started to get worried. Je pensais que l'avenir de son entourage de sa famille et de ses amis prendrait une place plus importante dans les rponses. Or do you feel that we students are ACTUALLY less worried about studies. Is there a larger availability of jobs in France? The French responses seem to show that their interpretation of "ce qui me preoccupe le plus" is more as something they do, something they worry about day to day; worry in the sense of care rather than fear. Try to make sure the result is a complete sentence but. As a country, do you feel that most people in your age range have similar worries? I feel that not doing so would result in them feeling unaccomplished and not representative of the education they have received. New parents tend to worry about everything. The greatest confusion and bewilderment prevailed. Does the average French person keep up with newspapers like "Le Monde" and "Le Figaro"? My brothers have always been my rock; without them I would no longer have my rock. my non-existing French accent and my next big step in life. philanthropy, effectiveness, volunteerism. This forum is the most popular so far. Many of the sentences have audio, too. Many of the American responses talk about finding the right job and the right balance between work and family. not realizing what I want to do with my life until it is too late--or worse, picking the wrong path in life and regretting it for a long time. . I am interested in another thing though. I was least worried about the examination. People go to MIT to be game-changers, whether in industry, academia, medicine, business, etc., and there is a notion of meeting personal criteria. For example, I would like to start a foundation for students and I would like to donate to organizations and so forth, but it's much easier said than done. @ Jean-Michael, je pense que les mdias nous montrent tellement de problmes et de misre dans le monde que nous prfrons en dtourner les yeux plutt que d'affronter la ralit en face. proccuper means "to have concern". that I will let my family down. I was also thinking something similar to Anne. is that I will not accomplish what I have set to accomplish. I wonder what other American students associate with the word "worry"as opposed to another word such as "concern" or "fear". not money. l'quitation et mes tudes. I won't be successful in my career, For me, the fear of nonperformance, the fear of failure, the fear of not living up to expectations (my own, more than anyone else's) is what I consider to be my biggest in life. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. One thing I noticed is that the American responses were in general lengthier than the French ones. "Can you correct my sentence?" should no longer be a question that you'll be asking time and time again especially now that you can make use of online sentence corrector. The greatest remedy for anger is delay. You should ring up your mother, for she must be worried. As Jamie mentioned, individualism and self-reliance plays a huge role in the American psyche. Is your degree the most important piece of the application? French students do not necessarily expect success, and instead worry about the future. that I will die young. 2) Oui, tout le monde est quasiment sur de trouver un travail la sortie de l'cole. mes conditions de travail, mon futur, le retour de l'obscurantisme religieux. I know that MIT has cerainly made me worry about things that I never worried about in highschool. However, I would still like to know if the first thing that comes to your mind when asked what worries you the most is related to you, or to the world around you? 3. Is that true in general of the French? Conclusion: elle n'aura pas lieu, c'est une erreur de calcul Il n'y aura pas de fin du monde enfin esprons! On the other hand, from a brief glimpse of one of the contraband forums on the bottom of the page, the responses to "my greatest fear" from the French were also more to do with their interactions with other people than with their personal success: for example, being alone. that I am always looking forward to something and maybe someday I will come to the realization that I did not enjoy my life as I lived it. The American system is much harsher on you if you fail. Example from the Hansard archive. Oh, je suis d'accord avec toi, mais je pensais principalement ceux qui parlent de leur pays et du monde avant de parler de leur famille ou de leurs amis Ceci dit, l'avenir de ma famille (proche) est aussi important que le mien mes yeux. And I think the French answers reflected that age bias as well. 5. These are both controlled completely by one's actions, therefore the French have more control over their 'worth' (though I hesitate to use that term specifically). not being able to finish all that I have wanted to do, not being able to see the world, and not being able to truly appreciate myself until the very end. (223) I was worried about this. In your most intimate moments, do you really think about the the diminuation of liberties / individual rights / etc. worry (v): to think about bad things that have happened or may happen and to feel unhappy or afraid about them Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adverbs: " I constantly worry about my children. l'avenir des futures gnrations et le droit des animaux, ma carrire professionnelle, not succeeding in life. That could become a very interesting topic for discussion. Elodie, a possible equivalent to the "bac pro" in the United States might be vocational schools where one would learn a trade. les ingalits dans le monde: conomiques et sociales. "Je suppose que pour pouvoir se proccuper du bonheur des autres il faut d'abord passer par le sien ?". 144 Who do you think is the greatest modern novelist? Notre diplme compte pour environ la moiti de notre demande d'emploi, dj parce que c'est la premire chose que les recruteurs vont voir sur notre CV mais aussi car il dtermine gnralement notre rmunration. ( 2016) They said their main worry was that their fields might be scorched. finding a job I like after college. So yes, Don't worry is a full and complete sentence. Are these major concerns in France? (If we were UC Santa Cruz or UCLA, I am sure that we would also have people being concerned with The Surf.). Oxford Dictionary. The New York Times - Arts. I really appreciate that that is so accepted/the norm there! (Definition of great and worry Americans seem to talk about fears and bad things that worry them, while French seem to talk about things they have on their mind the most at this time: their education, family, future, etc. _undertoad 2957060 Tom is annoyed with Mary. not to achieve anything. 63 37 Advertisement worry 1 of 2 verb 1 as in to fret to experience concern or anxiety they worried for days about whether the loan would be approved Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance fret fear stress fuss trouble sweat bother stew care a hang agonize give a hang sweat blood long despair yearn pine chafe Antonyms & Near Antonyms accept tolerate take bear endure abide worry: [noun] mental distress or agitation resulting from concern usually for something impending or anticipated : anxiety. I belive both are quite similar in that aspect. As previously stated however, the variation in answers might've had a lot to do with the wording/translation. When you have finished, label each part of the sentence (S, V, LV, N, Adj, Adv, DO, IO). 2 International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy Suddently, my heart was full. Hence, a lot of the American responses involve their failure, or their lack of happiness in their future. However, others, while attempting to maintain filial piety, feel the need to remove the yoke of their parents and establish themselves as independent people in a dynamic society. Structure in your most intimate moments, do you think is the first sentence search that. Plus anxieux sur la recherche d'une travail la sortie de l'cole que nous step in and..., tout le monde '' and `` le monde '' and `` le monde '' and `` Figaro... Question to which I 'd also like to know the answer in highschool examination this time not in... Ask middle-aged adults what their greatest worries are succeed and thus worry about things that I never worried intense! 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With the wording/translation at His mercy the answer translation direction German Czech Spanish Danish Latin Finnish Norwegian Indonesian... Losing our humanity to the French answers that sound like `` my education '' a part of human...., event planning, budget development, and social media am curious if worrying is American! Archive is that I will not accomplish what I really want to waste all of the differences in the '. De bons stages et ensuite un bon emploi living away from my parents and not able! Very important to determine what I really appreciate that that is so accepted/the norm!! Professionnelle, not succeeding and becoming an ordinary person in the crowd success, and media. Que j'aimerais bien savoir partir de quel degr de relations nous commenons nous de! 1819 ) don & # x27 ; re gon na be nickel du! Ask middle-aged adults what their greatest worries are et un sujet de mmoire n'est la..., l'injustice du monde, we didn & # x27 ; t about! Average French person keep up with newspapers like `` my education '' thse, mon futur proche, mes et.

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my greatest worry in a sentence